
What to Think About When Going on a Deer Hunt

The most successful deer hunts are the ones that you plan and prepare for well in advance. Without any kind of thought or planning, a hunt could potentially go poorly. So what kind of things should you be thinking about before your deer hunt even starts? Let’s take a deeper dive into a few of the things to think about when going on a deer hunt!

Deer Hunt
Deer Hunt

The Preparation

When going over preparation for a deer hunt, there are a few different categories that you could put everything into. Again, the more time and effort that you put into the actual preparation, the more likely you are to not only have an enjoyable hunt but also come home with a punched tag. There are three main things to focus on when it comes to hunting preparation, and these include:

Physical Fitness

The first major preparation for any hunt, especially those that will require a lot of hiking, is being physically fit. Do a little bit of research and get familiar with the terrain you will be hunting so that you can start preparing for it physically. This means that you may have to do a little more than simply walk on a treadmill! Break out your hiking boots and start using them with your backpack long before the hunt even starts. This will not only get your body used to carrying the weight but will break in your gear properly before the season starts.

Physical fitness for a hunt
Physical fitness for a hunt

When you begin to prepare physically, remember to start off slow and be realistic. For example, if you start off by trying to hike 20 miles in a day with 100 pounds on your back, you will most likely not follow through with the rest of your prep. Start off small and step up your goals each day or week as your begin to see progress in your physical fitness. Along with physical fitness, you should also physically practice with your weapon of choice.


Whether you are hunting with a rifle or a bow, it is important to get in some practice. By shooting your bow or rifle, you will begin to develop muscle memory that will help you when the moment finally comes to do it again during a hunt. This will also help you to increase your accuracy due to all of the practice. This is also a good time to find the best gun belt for OWB carry or for IWB carry. It is always a good idea to bring a sidearm along because of safety.

Gear Preparation

Another important thing to think about before a hunt is all of your gear. You want to make sure all of the gear you will need is ready and that you are familiar with it. Create a gear list for all of the necessary gear items that you think you will need for a particular hunt, and start to go through your stuff to ensure you have all of them. As you mark off each item, make sure it is in good shape and ready for the hunt.

Hunting gear
Hunting gear

Before a hunt, you will also want to check all of the hunting regulations for the location in which you will be hunting. Regardless if you are hunting close to home or multiple states away, you will need to know the rules and regulations to help decide what gear to bring as well. For example, some states have rules regarding the amount of orange that you will need to wear and what type of gear you can legally use.

Chest holster for gun with light
Chest holster for gun with light

Getting to the actual gear items, you will want to use a common-sense approach for things that you will need. Select the appropriate hunting boots, clothes, and backpack for the type of hunting you will be doing, and for the average weather and temperatures. There are a few things, however, that are not as obvious. Things like your sidearm are incredibly important to think about. For any sidearm, you will have to think about the best CCW holster to bring if you plan to conceal it, or the best OWB holsters or even chest holsters if you plan to carry it on your hip or on your backpack. Speaking of sidearms, let’s dive a little deeper into one of the most important gear pieces you can bring!

Hunting Sidearms

Whether you are hunting with a rifle or a bow, it is very important to bring a sidearm for added protection. The most recommended are bigger caliber pistols & revolvers as they raise the chances of you stopping potential threats like attacking bears or boar. As we mentioned, you would need to choose the OWB holster or the IWB holster depending on your style and preferences, however, it is utterly important to choose a holster you can draw fast from. Reaction time in these situations is crucial, so maybe opting for holsters with open top might be a good idea. Even the material that the holsters are made of is important, as the Kydex holsters will be extremely different from leather or nylon holsters.

You may be wondering things like what is the best holster for a Taurus Judge, the best holster for your 1911, the best holster for a Glock 34, or the best Smith and Wesson 500 magnum holster. No matter what sidearm you have, you will want the best holster to carry it based on your preferences, body shape, and comfort. Please do not forget about the good gun belt too as it makes sure the whole carry setup stays on your body in a stable manner.

Hunting holster for S&W M500
Hunting holster for S&W M500

Hunting sidearms may not only be important for safety, but you may also hunt with a handgun in certain areas. Whether this is the case or not, you will want to bring along extra ammunition. This extra ammunition can be managed more easily through the magazine pouches. Always make sure you have at least two magazines. If you want to target small game while out deer hunting, don’t forget your trusty S209 rifle sling as it will make your rifle better to carry for a long time.

Double magazine pouch
Double magazine pouch

If all of that sounds a little too complicated, can simply ask yourself what is the best 9mm carry gun? Then find the blog post about the best hunter holsters, and figure out which one is the best for your needs.

Logistics and Budget

The last thing to think about for a deer hunt is the logistics and money side of things. When will you leave and when will you return? How much is gas or a plane ticket going to cost you? After taking the time off of work and planning out a hunt, you will want to plan it out as best as possible. Figure out where you will camp, where you plan to hunt, and how you can return safely. Killing a deer will also result in plenty of meat to take care of, so figure out how you will transport your meat and what you will do with it. Planning out the logistics is one of the most important parts of a hunt, so it should get plenty of time and thought.

Planning out logistics
Planning out logistics

Your budget is also important. From the gear you buy to travel expenses, staying within a budget is important. The first costs to consider are your hunting license and tag fees. Once those are out of the way, start to figure out the travel costs. Think about gas money, airplane fees, and hotel stays during this time. Depending on how far you plan to travel, this number will fluctuate but will still most likely be your biggest expense.

Planning out hunting expenses
Planning out hunting expenses

Lately, plan out the cost of your food and other unexpected expenses, such as shipping meat home or loading up your coolers full of ice. Once you have your total budget number, you can better start preparing for the hunt. You will most likely run into plenty of unexpected expenses, so make sure to plan accordingly and be prepared!

E-scouting and Planning

Another important aspect of the logistics side of things is planning out your hunting areas long before you even show up. This can easily be done by pouring over maps, whether they are physical or on the computer. Thanks to softwares like Google Earth, you can look over an area from the comfort of your computer and plan out the logistics of your actual hunt before showing up. This will also give you a better idea of what gear you may need and what to pack for the hunt, such as trekking poles, shelters, and cold-weather emergency gear.

Exploration of hunting area
Exploration of hunting area

Final Thoughts

As you can see, there are a lot of things to think about when it comes to going on a deer hunt. From the physical preparation to ensuring you have the best holster for your pistol or revolver. By planning ahead you will no doubt be better prepared for your hunt. And the more prepared you are for a deer hunt, the more likely you are to have a successful hunt and kill a great buck!

Photo of the author

Martin Lukačko


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